How to Install AddThis Code in Blogger / Blogspot

How to Install AddThis Code

The most basic form of AddThis is the default code that can be used on any website. This code is given to you after you’ve completed registration in the dashboard as well as in your first AddThis email. You’ll be given two pieces of code to copy and paste into your website code. The first piece will go inside the body tags on your website; the second will go into any pages where you’d like the toolbar to show up.

How to install addthis Instagram

If you are a blogger, AddThis offers tutorials for adding sharing to popular blog platforms such as WordPress, Blogger, TypePad, MovableType and Tumblr. For many of these platforms, plugins and extensions make installation even easier.

Flash Developers

If you are a Flash developer, you can install AddThis AS3 code into Flash website and widget components that utilizes a set of URL sharing endpoints. Alternatively, you can use a standard AddThis button or menu to share Flash content embedded in your pages by tagging those pages with Facebook-style meta tags.

Apple iOS Developers

If you develop for iOS, you can build AddThis sharing into your mobile apps using our SDK. We’ve included a Quickstart Guide to download and install the library, and complete documentation.

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